Monday, November 23, 2009


I was at Scout Field investigating a reported squirrel sighting (I get these signals, you see) when I ran up against a stupid tree limb or branch or something that ripped a chunk of my flesh on my side. Nestle said I shrieked a bit, but I don't believe her. (That's the kind of wimpy thing *she* does when someone accidentally steps on her tail or I climb across her stomach when she won't get out of my way fast enough.)

The dog walker didn't see anything wrong, so we came home. Then she noticed a 3" curved piece of my skin & more was hanging a bit off my rib cage. Luckily, Louise was home with the flu so I dragged her out of bed we all went to the vet's office.

I got part of me shaved once AGAIN and the doctor actually STAPLED the wound shut.

OMG, yes he did. I didn't like that at ALL.

Then he wrapped this bandage around my whole midsection, so I look like I'm wearing a girdle. I also got a bunch of pills to take to kill any infection. And presumably there are some painkillers in there, too. Right now I'm a bit numb, so I don't feel anything. But I don't think this is going to feel too pleasant in the morning.

Louise says it looks like I'm wearing Doggie Spanx. That's not funny at all.

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