Monday, July 23, 2012

It's true what they say...

So on Thursday I was taken on a nice long walk under false pretenses.  Thelma & I walked right past the bagel shop & into the vet’s office, where I was led to the groomer’s chamber of horrors.  I was scrubbed, blow dried, shaved & plucked w/in an inch of my life.  Thelma & Louise cooed over me all weekend & said I smelled sooo good.  I smelled fine before the trip to the groomer’s--I had no trouble breathing!  And today Mary Ann Horrigan Schwarz gave me a post-walk treat that both T&L agreed made my breath smell decent--“for a change.”  I know!  I can’t help but feel insulted.

But I gotta admit: I look great and my fur is soapy-smelling, which people find pleasing.  And a fur cut makes my waist look much slimmer.  It really is true: you have to suffer to be beautiful.

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