Sunday, October 7, 2012

It’s better, but it ain’t good, know what I mean?

Many of you have expressed care & concern for Louise ever since she had her shoulder surgically repaired last week, and I’m happy to report she’s doing very well!  I didn’t say anything about it earlier because, well, I didn’t know how it related to ME.  I asked myself, “Where is there room for me in this story?”  And I found it.  Louise is petting me only half as much as I require.  Yeah, her arm’s been busted up for months now, but after the surgery it was completely dead.  I mean immobile.  Flabby-like.  And even though she’s off the painkillers, she’s still not giving me what I want—she’s not even opening the cans of wet food at meal times!  So I’m filing a complaint w/the AMA for malpractice.  (”Abandonment of affection” I think it’s called.)
Otherwise, Louise is no longer wearing the sling & she has already started working out the arm lightly.  So, enough w/the phone calls, texts & posts in her wall.  If she isn’t healed enough to be there for me, she certainly doesn’t have the strength or mobility to keep in touch w/all of you, alright?  I mean, come on.

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