Friday, March 15, 2013

Go jab a needle into your own flank, Doc!

Oh no, the girls are taking us to get our shots today.  I hope Dr. Quack knows which end of the needle to jab into our flesh.  I don’t expect him to have learned even any fundamental social pleasantries since we last saw him, but at least don’t go poking and prodding cluelessly. It’s Louise who’s the human pin cushion for crazy, so-called “doctors,” not me.
This little excursion is a waste of time, anyway.  Between all the vitamin supplements Thelma slips in our food, our massive water consumption, and our diet of grain-free kibble and gourmet “Mediterranean Banquet” canned food—not to mention the professional baths & fur-yankings we endure--I’m probably healthier than ol’ Dr. Lecter—I mean Quack   (And I’ll bet my ears are cleaner, too.)

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