Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow is delicious!

I don't know why some of you want to see pictures of Nestle. She doesn't know how to be a dog. Today we got a lot of snow; it came up to her armpits & it's light & fluffy & it glints in the light & looks like crystals. It's perfect. So Nestle went out in the backyard & Thelma threw a handful of snow at her to catch and for, like, the first time ever, she did! Oh yeah, she kept jumping up & catching snow in her mouth & having a great time. I ran out a few minutes later & Thelma turned her back to grab some more snow & guess what? Nestle had thrown up. Who throws up snow?? What the heck was THAT?! She catches bees in the summer & barfs snow in the winter. It's embarrassing.

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