Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The good, the bad & the yummy

Louise said my last post might give you all the impression "old dogs" such as Nestle shouldn't eat jerky treats.  She wants to make it clear Dr. Quack didn't say that; he said rawhides were bad for our teeth b/c you have to gnaw on them.  Just so we're clear: rawhide bad, jerky good.

In case you need to know what else you shouldn't give an "old" dog, here's a partial list: pills (they taste bad); vitamins (ditto); eye drops or ointment (makes us squirm); pedicures (makes it harder to grip the dirt & chase squirrels up trees); baths (do I have to explain this one?).

And a few things you *should*: rotisserie chickens (I prefer the herb flavor); peanut butter (smooth, not chunky); candles (esp. the scented ones, they're tasty); ChapStick® (even tastier than scented candles); porterhouse steaks; bbq sauce; entire loaves of Italian bread; Thanksgiving turkey; stuffing; hot dogs (I like Nathan's, but any brand will do).

These are all things I enjoy, so keep 'em coming.  You're welcome.

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