Friday, April 20, 2012

You *know* I put my paw down!

Thanks to Thelma’s green thumb, we’ve got a bunch of flowers & plants around the house & in the yard.  They’re beautiful & they smell great & I like that.  But.  Yesterday I noticed she was looking longingly at something called Purple Catmint (what?!) on one of those gardening shows.  (It's called WHAT??)  The guy was blabbing about how it’s compact & pretty & keeps aphids away & it smells nice & repels flies & mosquitoes.  “It’s 10 times stronger than DEET!” he said.  Well, we’re all just gonna have to get bitten.  I had to put a heavy paw on Thelma’s lap to startle her & knock the pen out of hand before she could write the item number down.  ‘Cause there’s no WAY I’m inviting cats into our yard.  What was she thinking??  Outrageous.  (I know!!)

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