Saturday, February 23, 2013

It’s good AND good for you.

Thelma heard some gardening expert say you should occasionally water your houseplants w/the water in which you’ve boiled vegetables or eggs.  This will supposedly give your plants added nutrients.  So she thought she was clever this evening to put the water she used twice to boil *two* batches of yams in a watering can.  Except, hello?, she knows how much Nestle & I love our yams (she cooked them for us, besides), so why would she put that delicious, fragrant water in a pot full or dirt?  Those kaffir lilies haven’t bloomed in over a year, so fuhgeddaboutit!  I kept licking the watering can while she filled it so she’d get the hint & pour some in my bowl, too, which I promptly lapped up.  Then I asked for seconds.  So what I might have to go outside several times tonight?  I feel stronger already.

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