Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I don't need a "plus one," thank you.

May 10, 2011

I know it's been a minute since I last wrote anything. But I've been busy.

Fist off, what a winter! We had snow, like, all the time. If it wasn't snowing, there was at last a foot of snow on the ground; it was the best! I must've rolled around every blessed inch of the backyard. At one point the snow was past my butt--can you imagine?

As a result of all that snow, you should see the grass now--it's nearly past my butt, too! (At least it was until Thelma & Louise whacked it down last weekend. It's so funny: the newly-cut grass is lying on top of the lawn. (We have one of those old-school push mowers, see. It trims the grass & deposits it back on the lawn as mulch. Some other folks on the block have huge mowers for their 8x10' backyards; it's ridiculous.)

Anyway… Nestle's doing well. She's still doing her bi-monthly chemo treatments, but it's in remission & she's hopping around, barking at everything, trying to herd the dogs in the park & generally being a pest. So she's fine. The treatment ends in June, I think.

She even comes w/me to daycare sometimes, which is annoying. I go every Tuesday to a new place in White Plains & she comes w/me every other week (when she's not at the vet). I miss Britta & Deb at the place in Brooklyn, and this place doesn't have an outdoor play area, but I manage. Louise refuses to take me into Brooklyn to go back to Dog Abby, which I don't understand. I know those people; we had an arrangement. But we had to go & move away… But I've got a backyard here, which means T&L don't have to walk me in the rain & in the snow & in the wind. Which means T&L are lazy.

Want proof? The vet said I now weigh 102 pounds. Louise has been calling me "Fat Boy" for days. If I got regular walks, like I used to, I'd still be at my regular fighting weight of 85-90 lbs. I'd be running through Prospect Park & keeping the ol' weight down. But al of this suburban living has made me soft. But I have a plan for us to move back to Brooklyn. First, either Thelma or Louise have to hit MegaMillions. Then….

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