Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's just not like her.

I gotta say this: someone has been very understanding & kind to me during my whole skunkcat ordeal, willing to get close to me & play w/me & not make fun of my unusual, *temporary* scent—and that’s Nestle. Louise is still going on & on about how I woke her at 3 a.m. to let me out & investigate the intruder * the ruckus in the backyard, and Thelma, while willing to hug & pet me, is still spraying “Air Detox” everywhere, lighting scented candles & leaving fans on & doors open to make the smell go away. I think Nestle notices I’m not getting the usual amount of snuggles from the humans & is being extra nice to me. It’s weird. But it’s not terrible, y’know?

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