Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Tips for More Effective and Enjoyable Walkies

I love going on walkies, any time of day & any time of year.  Here’s how to get the most out of your time w/your beloved human or dog.

--First, if you hang around the spot in the house where the leashes & collars are kept and make a quizzical, expectant face, it will only help your chances of going outside.  Running between the human & the leash hook works well, too.

--To get the most out of your time outdoors, be sure to poop and poop often.  Don’t waste time; make the walk worth everyone’s while.  There's no such thing as too much poop.

--Walkies are terrific for humans as well.  Especially on days when they think they don’t want to go, a good walk can brighten their moods.  So ignore their protestations that it’s raining or too cold or they have a headache or leg cramps or a slipped disc or separated shoulder or hay fever or they're waiting for a phone call or kickoff is in 5 minutes—insist on going outside!  That’s when humans need fresh air & exercise most!  They might not thank you afterwards (or during the walk), but be assured that’s what they’re thinking.

--Get to know what’s going on in your neighborhood.  Take time to stop & sniff the other doggies.  Roll around in the grass (or snow).  Catch up on your “pee-mail.”  It’s *your* time and you should make the most of it.

Finally, don’t go on a walk w/Nestle.  She walks slowly, she has to sniff every single blade of grass and fallen leaf and doesn’t go 3 feet w/o marking.  It’s annoying for everyone, so leave her behind if you can.

Now, get out there and enjoy the day!

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