Monday, May 19, 2014

Howcome *I* never get anything nice??

I GOT YELLED AT!!!  I KNOW!  It's not right.  No one saw me shred Nestle's brand-new bed.  All anyone saw was some of the stuffing pulled out in the middle of it and Thelma & Louise immediately accused ME of doing it.  Maybe Nestle was making a nice little divot for herself right in the middle--hmm, did anyone consider that?  Nope.  Instead, I was accused & got yelled at & sent outside for a time-out.  It's not fair it's not fair it's not fair!  No one bought ME a cushion-y, plush, tufted bed!  I have to sleep on the cold, hard wood floor and it's NOT FAIR.  Somebody come pet me.

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